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With Featured Artists: Jack Johnston, Matilda Colf, and Barbara Reider
J. E. Marland
New Version - Fully Updated. Now Includes the Version for Mac users, too!
Polymer clay is a lively, colorful medium - and this is a lively colorful book!
A Unique, Beautifully designed and Illustrated Multimedia Book on CD-Rom. Easy
to start, read and navigate interactively via the Internet!
Polymer Clay Artist's Interactive Guide to the Internet includes Hundreds of
Illustrations - Photographs of Polymer Clay Artworks and other creations:
Sculptures, Jewelry, Dolls, Figures, Home Décor, and Lots More! Wonderful
artworks by the Featured Artists and many other talented polymer clay artists
and craftspeople. A great guide to what is going on in polymer clay today! The
first guide of its kind for polymer clayers on the Internet, this Interactive
Guide brings all aspects of the polymer clay together as never before!
Why spend days, weeks and months searching for polymer clay websites online when
you can have all the best right at your fingertips whenever you want or need
them? Polymer Clay Artist's Interactive Guide to the Internet features over 1000
polymer clay-related websites. Helps eliminate annoying and time-consuming
inactive websites, and this guide also eliminates webpages
"masquerading" as polymer clay websites. In addition, the Guide
minimizes web advertising - especially the annoying "pop-up" ads.
A one-of-a-kind Guide to the Internet:
1000 Polymer Clay-related websites! Links to everything Polymer Clay on the
Internet - like having all your favorite polymer clay websites in one place -
plus lots more! All the popular polymer clay websites plus lesser and little
known sites.
Polymer Clay Artist's Interactive Guide to the Internet features more than 1000
polymer clay-related websites, with minimal repetition of websites in categories
and websites listed alphabetically whenever possible to make finding websites
easy. Please note: No actual webpages appear in the book - only the links
(website addresses).
Unique software used to create this book allows the reader to literally surf the
Internet browsing polymer clay-related websites. Reader must have access to
Internet service: AOL, Net Zero, or other online service provider to browse the
Internet through this book.
Links to Polymer Techniques & Craft
Appliques (Over-lays), Blending, Canes, Baking Tips, Doll-making, Faux
Effects, Modeling Figures, Inlays, Jelly Rolls, Faux Glass, Marbling, Mosaics,
Molding, Faux Jade, Powders, Jewelry-making, Faux Opals, Painting, Faux
Turquoise, Reducing, Buffing, Polishing,Mokume Gane, Transfers, Veneering,
Rubber Stamping, Making Buttons and Beads
Plus: Online Polymer Clay Glossaries and
Encyclopedias. And Much Much More! Links to everything Polymer Clay on the
Artist's Webpages: Hundreds of Artist's Webpages featuring Polymer Clay
Artworks and Creations, Workshops, Craft Projects, Artworks for Purchase, and
Much More!
How To & Instruction for Polymer Clay - Beginners
to Advanced.
Craft Projects - Polymer Clay Craft Projects for
all skill levels: from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. Projects for Dolls,
Jewelry, Vessels, Sculpture, Miniatures, Appliques, Flowers, and Much More!
Online Polymer Clay Glossaries and Encyclopedias.
Miniatures: Craft Projects and Websites for
Miniatures of all kinds: Dollhouse Furnishings, and More!
Precious Metal Clay: Information, Craft Projects,
Artworks and Jewelry about this new and popular clay medium.
Buying Polymer Clay:
Artworks, Dolls, Gifts, Jewelry, Miniatures, Home
Decor, And More!
Magazines and other publications
about polymer clay exclusively or that feature polymer clay periodically.
Resources: Websites that offer valuable
information on polymer clay.
Supplies: Sources for polymer clay and all the
newest polymer clay tools and other supplies. From trimmers to molds to rubber
stamps, it's all here.
Current and completed polymer clay swaps for
jewelry, ornaments and other art works.
Webrings, Bulletin Boards and Newsgroups for polymer clay and polymer
clay-related topics.Plus: Gallery Pages: Both Online and in the Book featuring
Hundreds of Polymer Clay Artworks: Sculpture, Boxes, Dolls, Jewelry, Vessels,
Figures, and Much Much More!
On Windows 95/98 and ME compatible CD-Rom.
CD also includes the version for Mac users.
J. E. Marland resides in Florida.
Jenna - as her friends call her -
lives in Florida with her husband, Jeff, a brassy cocker spaniel
named Lucy, and a rambunctious tabby cat named Taboo. Jenna
has several books in the works.
feel free to email us with your questions
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